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List of products by brand Areon

Areon car freshener

Areon was founded in 1990 and is a world-renowned European manufacturer of car fragrances. In the Areon offer you will find the best fragrances for the car, which have an interesting design. The quality of the fragrances goes hand in hand with a good price. 

Areon car perfumes

Ever since the first air freshener in the shape of a Christmas tree hung from the rear-view mirror, making cars smell more like, well, something other than a car, has been a constant effort.

Today, several vehicle manufacturers even offer on-board aromatherapy systems. It will still be a long time before all cars have this feature, so for the time being, we can use perfume for the car. World-famous and appreciated are the aromas of the Areon brand.

Areon car freshener

Areon car air fresheners are new and fresh fragrances that last for a long time in the cabin of your car. These fragrances will make every, even the longest, car journey more pleasant.

A nice fragrance in the car

A fresh fragrance in the car is not just about perfumes and car fresheners. Remember to keep your car clean. Vacuum the seats and rugs, so that bacteria and fungi don't multiply from the remaining crumbs. It's also a good idea to have your air conditioning serviced regularly. Simple tasks like these contribute to keeping our car perfume smelling nice for a long time.

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